You'll get the "NaCl" (knack) of Chlorine by the end of this presentation. Mehraz Karim, Period c Bryan

The element I've studied is called Chlorine, but you may know it as Cl, which is its symbol. The element was discovered in 1774 by Karl Wilhelm Scheele, but it wasn't an official element until Sir Humphrey Davy officially said it was in 1810. The name chlorine comes from chloros, the greek word for greenish-yellow, which is the color of Chlorine.

The color of Chlorine
  • Atomic Number: 17
  • Atomic Mass: 35.45
  • Protons: 17
  • Electrons: 17
  • Neutrons: 18
  • Isotopes: Chlorine-35 and Chlorine-37

Chlorine is only found combined with other elements, but most commonly, table salt, or NaCl. This is everyday salt that is used on your food.

Uses of chlorine are typically used for sanitation in things like disinfectants or bleach, the ladder of which is used to take stains out of clothes. Finally, chlorine is used to cleanse water all around the world and make it clean to drink.

The process of chlorination

Here's an interesting fact: Chlorine is highly poisonous. The longer you're exposed to Chlorine, the more dangerous it is and your risk of death. Symptoms of Chlorine poisoning are tight chests, blurred vision, and difficult breathing. Make sure you stay away from Chlorine! The title picture / fun comic The background info for chlorine. The color of Chlorine Stable Isotopes Uses of chlorine The process of purifying water

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