Cancer By Hunter.L

Cancer is a desise caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body or masses of tissue . It is long term doesn't spread. Other ways to get cancer asbestos found in building metierial arsenic found in the natural invirement diesel found in vehicles and machines silica and chromium is made of earths crust and is the second most abundant element in the earths crust and sand.

How do you get cancer. You can get cancer from smoking smelling bad stuff chewing and eating junk.

Who is most likely to get cancer. Most women get it at high risk but more older women are more likely to get the disease people older than 55 and people who smoke are 15 to 30 times more likely to get lung

cancer or die from lung cancer

Symptoms for cancer. White waxy lumps or brown scaly patch on sun exposed areas

Treatment for cancer. Placing a special probe inside or the prostate cancer to freeze and kill the cancer or i'm taking body weight within the normal range throughout adulthood. Eat mostly foods of plant religion. Limit intake of red meat and aroid eracesed meat.

Not smoking, keeping a healthy lifestyle, yearly physicals


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