Boys and Girls Club Lucky

This spot will be a cute, heartwarming, and funny look into some kids from The Boys and Girls Club who consider themselves lucky.

We will feature different rooms that the kids will interact in to create a sense of the house and their personalities.
I'm in a window!
Ed Mccaffrey will be our hero talent sitting on a couch at the end telling the viewer about the Dream House Raffle benefiting Boys and Girls Club Metro Denver.

LUCKY GUM: This kid spits a huge wad of gum out of his mouth and holds it in his hand showing his lucky gum. We will also shoot this without him taking it out of his mouth. Also, pulling it behind his ear and putting it in mouth.

PIXIE DUST: Child throws Pixie Dust/Glitter/Sand in the air and says Pixie Dust.

LUCKY SOCK: A Child shows off their lucky sock. We could freeze the sock so it's extra hard and then the kid bangs it on the counter to make it seem they've had the sock their whole life.

LUCKY RABBIT: A Child says this is my lucky rabbit's foot and then pulls up into a frame a stuffed bunny rabbit. She then adds the whole bunny is lucky.

LUCKY DANCE/BLANKET: A child dances around acting cute and funny. Alternative: He wears a blanket like a cape and says this is their lucky blanket.

LUCKY TUTU: A child dances around in her Tutu being as cute as humanly possible.

LUCKY FOOTBALL: We see our kid in a lucky football and throws it off camera.

Ed McCaffrey sits on a couch catches the football and tells the viewer about the awesome Dream House Raffle for Boys and Girls Club Metro Denver. A child comes in sits next to Ed and gives him his lucky football.

We end the spot on the exterior of the house that we will shoot with a drone to give it some awesome and excellent sweet sweet sweet production value.


Jim Elkin

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