Digital Learning can it improve our learning?

Digital learning is a new system and approach to educate the masses and is growing in popularity with the every day expansion of the internet. With the many digital learning platforms it is now possible for students of any age to gain qualifications in any chosen background improving education services worldwide.
Functions and uses of computer science platform 'Codecademy'

Codecademy presents itself with a clean and simple user interface that quickly leads the user to the lessons available. There are a number of courses on the website, most of them focused on a single coding language; options include Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript and more. The site makes for a useful learning tool because these courses are available for free, and have a number of exercises and tests available to the user for them to practice coding. Some of the website's features require a paid-for premium account to access and make use of, but these are not essential to the completion of any given course. Courses also feature an estimate of how long it should take a user to complete the course, measured in hours, allowing for lessons to be fitted into a learner's busy schedule when they have time available.

However, some sources have indicated flaws in the courses available on Codecademy; an article published on aimed at helping readers understand where to start learning to code dissuaded them from using Codecademy, as it educated them on the practice of typing code and using correct syntax, and not on building applications that can actually make use of and run said code, making the knowledge useless without further learning.

Additionally, the website is presented almost entirely via textual interface, requiring a reading/writing method of learning, supplemented with short kinaesthetic learning practical tasks. Auditory learning from discussion with teachers is available, but this is one of the premium features of the site and is therefore only available with regular payment to the site.

Personal Review

As I was wanting to get started learning various programming languages I chose to learn Python. Python is basically a scripting language, and opposed to other languages there is no need for a ';' at the end of each line. This is great for someone who frequently forgets these things, and their program keeps having errors. The Python that they teach via this program is easy to understand and overtime you can quickly pick things up faster. They have a community of forums that will usually give helpful advice on what you are doing wrong. Take time when you are going through this course so that you can learn and understand a basic understanding of Python. You may not be able to program many things but you will have an understanding of what the functions do when you get to more advanced Python, or use such things as Django (web-development) or PyGame (game development)

Functions and uses of the very popular online learning plaform KHAN ACADEMY


Site is easy to use with many learning options

You can choose where in your chosen subject you would like to start

You can learn at your own pace

The site is bright and colourful


The site gives you many examples

You can practice equations


Will need access to either a computer , lap top or smart phone with good internet access

Retention :

The fact you can look up at mostly any time would definitely help

Being able to practice on my own without distraction would realy help

Personal Review

Khan Academy is a really good studying tool. The instructor explains things in user- friendly terms and gives helpful tips to remember things. What's amazing too is they have practice test that gives answers and explanations which helps me greatly as i am more of a kinesthetic learner. Even if you get a question wrong you can see why it's wrong and in return correct your mistakes. So not only are you learning in the tutorial you are also learning is the practice test. Khan academy have the tools to really make you grasp the concept of something it also has very good sections for someone who learns better from reading or writing. Also the many detailed videos for more visual learners who will learn by listening to and watching the videos. This whole organization has been a study partner and tutor for me.

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