Recipe of the Week Tuna poke

Having three incredible kids and our closest family being on the other side of the country, it is not very often that Bethany and I have a chance to get away together. This past fall we were blessed with the opportunity to visit the 50th state in the union...Hawaii!
While we were dreading leaving the construction, traffic and humidity of Houston behind us for a few days, we were eager to explore this tiny piece of real estate in the South Pacific.

Dramatic sunsets set the perfect tone for festive evenings that usually involved delicious food...

Sushi lovers paradise!!!
This is where my wife fell in love with poke pronounced “POH-keh”. While becoming more mainstream, this dish has been a Hawaiian staple for centuries. Basically it is raw cubed fish, delicately seasoned in a myriad of ways.
Today we are going to prepare a more traditional version that is as every bit tasty as it is simple to make...seriously, it does not get much easier folks!!!!

Start with dicing 1 pound of ahi tuna (I prefer smaller 1/4" cubes). Combine the tuna with 6 ounces of slivered sweet yellow onions and sliced spring onions. Season with kosher salt and red pepper flakes.

Let Poke marinate for at least 15 minutes prior to serving. Garnish with sesame seeds and wakame. Serve as part of a rice bowl or with wonton chips....ENJOY!!!


1 lb. Ahi Tuna

6 oz. Sweet Yellow Onion

4-6 Green Onions

Kosher salt to taste

Red pepper flakes to taste

6 tsp. Soy sauce

4 tsp. Sesame oil

1 tsp. Chili oil

2 tsp. Honey

Sesame seeds as garnish

Wakame as garnish (not pictured)

Created By
Jason Bechtold

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