INTRO TO COMPUTERS A GRASPS Performance Assessment

GOAL 1)Task: to familiarize yourself with a computer 2) Goal: is to have the students begin to understand the use of computers 3) Problem/Challenge: to introduce students to computers 4) Obstacles to Overcome: getting students interested and to help them understand why computers are important

ROLE 1) You are introducing computers 2) You have been asked to help 1st grade students 3) Your job is to help 1st grade students understand how a computer works

AUDIENCE 1) Your clients are 1st graders' tax paying parents 2) The target audience is 1st grade students in your classroom 3) You need to convince the 1st grade students that computers are important to understand/ are useful tools

SITUATION 1) The context you find yourself in is a computer lab classroom 3) The challenge involves dealing with 6-7 year olds unfamiliar with computers

PRODUCT/PERFORMANCE and PURPOSE 1) You will create a portfolio on the students 2) in order to track their progress 3) You need to develop an interactive video presentation 4) so that the students can follow along

STANDARDS & CRITERIA FOR SUCCESS 1) Your performance needs to engage the students, motivate them and interest them to learn 2) Your work will be judged by the students amount of inattention 3) Your product must meet the following standards: Facilitate and inspire student learning; Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments; Model digital age work and learning; Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility; Engage in professional growth and leadership4) Your successful result will get the students comfortable with working on computers

Created By
Jesus Edeza


Created with images by StartupStockPhotos - "children win success"

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