Emperor edibles Magic happens in the kitchen

Quality Ingredients make quality products. Emperor Edibles uses locally sourced goods to ensure freshness and because we believe our suppliers should care for the things that go into our treats just as much as you do.

Treats don't have to be sweet. Emperor Edibles makes pizzas, pot pies, breads and more, all at a price that's... well... sweet.

Selassie Sweets

Sweet treats made with food grade cannabis for the body and the mind. Try the Magic Rabbit Shit. Its taste is as excellent as its name is strange, but once you see it, you'll get it...


Created with images by condesign - "muffins schokomuffins pastries" • CEThompson - "Chocolate Cheesecake" • pashminu - "pizza food eating" • Alexandra E Rust - "Fudge"

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