PadA(people against Domestic Abuse) The wounds might heal but the scars will always remain

Often when people think of domestic abuse its men being the dominant but men get abused too. This is an issue which I find sad, because I feel men are often ashamed of this.
1 out of every 4 women will experience abuse at one point in their life. What a world we live in to think that one of your friends, teachers, strangers has probably gone through it or will later in life.

This is our time. This is our time to speak up to domestic violence. We have been silent too long, suffocated from fear. You all have a voice as loud as a lion, so why let it be tamed? Why stand down? This is a terrible thing that happens daily in our society. Sometimes behind closed doors or in public for everyone to see. As a group we need to fight back.

Someone who supports this cause is our very own Monique Coleman. This High School Musical star supports this cause, as she showed online.

Now take a stand, everyone is. We need you.


Created with images by wwarby - "Smoke Plume"

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