Revolutions in Technology By alexis hArris

People during the 1700s in England were struggling

Death rates were high

25% of new born children died before their first birthday and another 25% died before their 10th birthday

Not much food

Farming techniques were very poor, there for not much food was produced, and the food that was produced wasn't heavy and left people malnourished.

Little to no farming equipment

One of the only methods of farming the English had was having a large animal pull a wooden plow.

During the 1700's the Dutch and British started experimenting with some new farming technologies

Some of those innovations were:

Farm Journals (top left), Crop Rotation (top right), Dikes (bottom left), and Seed Drill (bottom right)
These inventions address the challenges that society had been delt.

More food was being produced which led to the population boom. Because there was a rise in population, more jobs were available in factories where new machinery were being deployed.

Spinning Jenny (left), Flying Shuttle (middle), and Waterframe (right)

There were many benefits in this revolution such as

With more factories, came more jobs

Families started spinning business out of their homes. As these businesses grew and deployed these new forms of technology, many jobs were created.

The factories produced more accessible products with lower prices

The factories produced more goods that made them more accessible and less expensive.

The agricultural revolution led to the production of more food

New farming techniques helped farmers produce more food. Everyone became healthier because they were eating better.

Along with The Industrial Revolution also came challenges.

“The smallest child in the factories were scavengers……they go under the machine, while it is going……….it is very dangerous when they first come, but they become used to it.” Charles Aberdeen worked in a Manchester cotton factory, written in 1832.

Poor working conditions in factories

Working in factories was very dangerous. The big machines had no or rudimentary safety equipment. There were many injuries that occurred, from cuts to amputations and even death. Children were abused and forced to work long hours.

The population was growing too fast

England's infrastructure could not keep up with the sudden population boom.

Children were forced to work in the new factories

Children that worked in factories had to work long hours in hazardous conditions.

The Digital Revolution

“We have all - to a greater or lesser degree - become Digital Citizens, which, means we are both witnessing and participating in a seismic change which permeates ever aspect of our daily lives from work to play, education to commerce.” -Paul Hudson

The digital revolution started around the 1980's and happened for many reasons

The Digital Age came amount by manufacturing striving to improve the quality and quantity of goods being produced.

Computerized manufacturing made it possible for businesses to meet their economic goals.

Technology builds upon itself...

Once one invention is invented, it evolves into something better. For example, phones used to be big and attached to the wall. Now, they are hand held, devices that you can use anywhere.

Phone from

Wanted a less expensive way to produce goods

Many useful products we use everyday and that we don't normally think about have come out of this revolution.

The first mobile phone (1973)
The internet (1969)
"The rise of Google, the rise of Facebook, the rise of Apple, I think are proof that there is a place for computer science as something that solves problems that people face every day. Eric Schmidt"

The digital revolution has benefited people around the world.

You can talk to anyone in the world, anytime you want, and any where you want

The use of the internet, emails, and computers have helped businesses tremendously because you are able to communicate globally and compete on a on-demand basis.

All this great technology comes with a cost though...

  • People waste so much time on social media
  • Bullying has moved to the internet
  • People are losing their jobs to robots
  • Lack of privacy

Space Travel

Reinvigorating the space program

Neil Armstrong puting the American flag on the moon
”I didn’t feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.”

Neil Armstrong on looking back at the Earth from the Moon in July 1969.

Satisfying the human nature's need to explore

Throughout time, it's been human nature to explore the unknown and to discover other possible life forms.

A need for more resources

Resources are strained due to the increase of population

Having a common goal will unite the country

There is a divide in our country due to the current political landscape. A common objective of space exploration would provide a unifying goal for the people of America.

Finding new sources of resources or potential inhabitable planets

Finding new life forms could potentially provide a further understanding on how to cure diseases

Traveling through space would allow us to building new spaceships allowing us to travel farther and more efficiently

Space travel was responsible for many inventions from computers to tang. It would seem to reason that the same level of invention would continue.

Space travel would provide more job opportunities from the industries required to support space travel.

Space travel would allow us to have a deeper understanding about the natural world

While there are many positive things about space exploration, it doesn't come without complications

  • Sending astronauts into space is extremely risky
  • Space programs are expensive to fund
  • Exploration can pollute outer space

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