Australian Imperalism How the british imperalised australia

Australia was imperialized from January 26, 1788 to January 1, 1901

It was first imperialized January 1, 1901

The effect was positive to the British because of economics but negative to Australia because Europeans took advantage of them.

Imperial rule ended January 1, 1901 when "the British Parliament passed legislation allowing the six Australian colonies to govern in their own right as part of the Commonwealth of Australia."

How Australia is still affected by British imperialism:

-Introduced to global economy

-Caused decimation of native population

-Years of oppression and racism still continue today

-Decline in the health of the environment

-British introduced many diseased that didn't exist before, caused decline in the Aborgianl population

-Exiled Aborgianls to areas of the country there were unfamiliar with

-Caused racism and systematic oppression towards Aborgianls that still has impact today

-Caused many species to become endangered after introduction of European cattle and plants

Key figures:

Richard Cobden & John Bright - liberal leaders of the free trade

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