The Harn Museum - Sydney Weiner -

Medium of the Art / Technique of the Artist: This piece of art was made out of various fabrics to create an eccentric and colorful work. The work reflected a traditional outfit worn in a celebration in Peru. By seeing this in person, I got a better understanding of the culture and the way this outfit was stitched together. I loved seeing all the various designs, and it made me feel more connected with the pieces of work in this gallery and the story they were trying to tell.

Design of the Museum: The Harn museum had various sections, and rooms. There was not just one way to go through the museum, but one could pick where they wanted to start and just walk throughout the different galleries. My favorite gallery in the Harn was the last room I went to that had many photographs. I believe the way the photographs were placed told a story. I have always had a passion for taking photos so seeing famous pictures at the Harn was amazing.

Art and Core Values: This piece of art reflects women's equality and the pay difference that women suffer compared to men. This picture with the line down the dollar shows on a small scale how women are treated. I like the way the artist is very upfront with her point, and it really makes a statement. I believe it is crazy that in to 21st century there is still inequality between men and women.

Art and the Good Life: In this piece of art, Joaquin Torres-Garcia creates two geometric/abstract figures. Garcia's belief was to create a universal picture that could be understood by anyone. In this painting, there is no race, gender, or wealth. I believe this piece of art best depicts the "good life" because it focuses on whats important in life, humanity. Anyone can look at this picture and see the figures and make there own interpretation of it. This painting doesn't portray a standard of beauty or normalcy but creates something that relates to everyone.

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