La Historia de España #3- 8 estrellas

I'm going to be talking about early Spain and everything that happened to the country to make it what it is today.

Early Invasions

Celtas "France" invadido Spain first. Iberas "Africa" invaded Spain segundo. Rome also invaded later.

The Roman Empire cayó in 409 a.d. When they fell they izquierda the Segovia Aqueduct (above) and the Merida Colosseum.

La Reconquista

Continual lucha between Christians (north) and Muslims (south). Fought over religious differences. A man llamado Santiago "Matamoros" would gritar Matamoros before battle, which traduce to "matar Muslims".

Toledo City of Tolerance

Toledo was a city where people of all religions: Muslim, Jewish, Christianity could ven and orar without being perseguido for their religion. Toledo has influencias of all three religions today. For example there are many synagogues, churches and cathedrals, and Arab estilo architecture.

Catholic Kings and Queens

King Fernando of Aragon and Queen Isabel of Castilla casado in 1469. They unido the Christian kingdoms en contra the Moors. They derrotado the last Moorish rey in Granada in Enero 1492. They solidificado poder through religion and military éxito.

The Spanish Inquisition

In 1492, all Muslims were either forced to salir Spain or convert to Christianity. In 1502, Spain forced all Jews to convert or leave. They never really knew if the Jews or Muslims converted or not. Pope Sixtus the 4th allowed non- Catholics to be kicked out, but Pope Innocent the 4th allowed the torture of all non- Catholics.

Gold Diggers

A gold digger is a woman who marries for power. Juana, duaghter of Fernando and Isbael married Felipe of the powerful Habsburg family. She was called "La Loca" because legend says she would carried her dead husband's coffin around the streets of Granada, stopping to kiss him.

Carlos I was the son of Juana and Felipe el Hermoso. He lived from 1516 to 1556, under his rule the Spanish Empire grew rapidly. He was involved with the Conquistas of Incas and Aztecs.

The Siglo de Oro

Felipe IV ruled over one of the richest periods of time in Spanish History: The Siglo de Oro. The Siglo de Oro was an explosion of interest in literature, drama, and art. Don Quixote is the second most translated book.

War for Spanish Independence

The rebelling began on May 2, 1808 in Madrid. Joseph Bonaparte was removed from the throne of Spain in 1812. During the upheaval, most Spanish colonies in America gained independence. The Constitution of 1812 established a parliamentary monarchy.

Queen Isabel II

She was the duaghter of Fernando VII. The country was divided in half on the issue of a woman ruler. Isabel only reigned from 1833 to 1868. The Glorious Revolution removed her from power.

Spain as a Democracy

The Second Republic was established in 1931, ushering in an era of hope and optimism. They set up a new constitution, which gave women the right to vote, divorce their husbands, also separated the Church and state, and created public schools.


Created with images by WikimediaImages - "aqueduct segovia night" • ustung - "Macedonia (Kovacik) Countryside of Macedonia" • paul_harrison - "aqueduct roman france" • FrankWinkler - "landscape scotland isle of skye" • Kukullus - "toledo city spain" • ell brown - "St Martin's Church in the Bullring" • Ben Sutherland - "DSCF2401" • helenmlittle0 - "alhambra granada spain" • Biblioteca Rector Machado y Nuñez - ""Carlos I de Inglaterra"" • Catedrales e Iglesias - "Capilla de Napoles en el Santuario de Guadalupe,Estado de Zacatecas,México" • - "Pairs of angels, sculptures; Martyrs' Square - Place des Martyrs - Martelaarsplaats 3" • Biblioteca Rector Machado y Nuñez - ""Ysabel II Reina de España, rodeada de los escudos de la primera nobleza, segun las descendencias de Sandoval"." • Denise Cross Photography - "Day 36/366.....I Voted"

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