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The U.S. Space and Rocket Center: The U.S. Space and Rocket Center is one of the many attractions in Alabama. The Space and Rocket Center can be like a musaem to look at, but it can also be a space camp for kids.

Cheaha State Park: Cheaha State Park is one of Alabamas state parks. It is Alabamas oldest continuously operating park. Cheaha State Park is 2,799 acres. If you ever go to Alabama definitely go to Cheaha State Park.

Noccalula Falls Park: Noccalula Falls Park is a 250 acre and is located in Gadsden, Alabama. The main feature of the park is a big 90 ft tall waterfall. The park also has a mini golf course, a petting zoo, and a replica of the Gilliland-Reese Bridge.

Montgomery: Montgomery is the capital of Alabama. Montgomery was named for Richard Montgomery. This city has a population of 201,332 people and is one of alabamas most famous cities. It is the second largest city in Alabama next to Birmingham.

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