Nutrition Education for Diabetic and Hypertensive people


  • To promote health and reduce chronic disease risk through the consumption of healthful diets and achievement and maintenance of healthy body weights.
  • To increase the proportion of physician office visits that include counseling or education related to nutrition or weight based on the clients.
  • To prevent inappropriate weight gain in older adults.
  • To increase the variety and contribution of vegetables and fruits to the diets of older adults who are diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes.


The client will be asked three pretest questions before the process started and will be asked the same questions after the teaching to understand how much he understood the concept of nutrition.

Pretest Assessment :

  • What kind of foods can put you more at risk to increase your blood sugar.
  • Client's Answer: Vegetables and fruits, because I can't get enough carbohydrate out of vegetables and fruits.
  • As far as we put fruits and vegetables in our table, we don't need to look the portion of fats and carbohydrates in our plate.T/F
  • Client's Answer: True: I like to eat fat like cheese and bread. even though there is nothing in vegetables, I think I can get enough glucose from the carbohydrates and fats.

Diabetes Meal Planning for Older Adults

  • Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet is essential throughout all stages of life. However, seniors with diabetes are more likely to suffer from nutritional deficiencies, especially in the vitamins B1, B12, C and D folate calcium, Zinc magnesium.
  • To ensure your family member with diabetes is receiving the best nutrition possible, bear in mind that dietary considerations change with age.
  • Older adults generally need 20-to-30% fewer calories than they did when they were younger and more active.
  • Protein should account for 10-to-20% of caloric intake
  • When it comes to carbohydrates, the total amount is more important than the source. Foods that contain sugar can substitute for other carbohydrates in the meal plan.
  • The American Dietetic Association’s recommendation of 20-to-35 grams of fiber per day may be too high for some seniors.
  • Too much fiber for people who are bedridden or dehydrated can lead to serious digestive problems.
  • Sodium restrictions should be carefully evaluated. Older adults tend to have reduced taste perceptions.
  • To maintain optimal glucose levels, alcohol use may need to be significantly restricted or eliminated.

Healthy Diet

  • A healthy diet is a way of eating that reduces risk for complications such as heart disease and stroke.
  • Healthy eating includes eating a wide variety of foods including:
  • vegetables
  • whole grains
  • fruits
  • non-fat dairy products
  • beans
  • lean meats
  • poultry
  • Fish

Meal Planning Tools

1-My plate method:

  • MyPlate is a reminder to find your healthy eating style and build it throughout your lifetime. Everything you eat and drink matters. The right mix can help you be healthier now and in the future. This means:
  • Focus on variety, amount, and nutrition.
  • Choose foods and beverages with less saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars.
  • Start with small changes to build healthier eating styles.
  • Support healthy eating for everyone.
Choose Myplate

2-Carbohydrate Counting:

  • Carbohydrate counting, or "carb counting," is a meal planning technique for managing your blood glucose levels.
  • Carbohydrate counting helps you to keep track of how much carbohydrate you are eating.
  • You set a limit for your maximum amount of carbohydrate to eat for a meal, and with the right balance of physical activity and medicine, if you need it, can help to keep your blood glucose levels in your target range.
  • How much carbohydrate you eat is very individual. Finding the balance for yourself is important so you can feel your best, do the things you enjoy, and lower your risk of diabetes complications.

Foods that contain carbohydrate or “carbs” are:

  1. grains like rice, oatmeal, and barley
  2. grain-based foods like bread, cereal, pasta, and crackers
  3. starchy vegetables like potatoes, peas and corn
  4. fruit and juice
  5. milk and yogurt
  6. dried beans like pinto beans and soy products like veggie burgers
  7. sweets and snack foods like sodas, juice drinks, cake, cookies, candy, and chips

3-Food Guide Pyramid:

The Pyramid illustrates the research-based food guidance system developed by USDA and supported by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). It goes beyond the “basic four food groups” to help you put the Dietary Guidelines into action. The Pyramid is based on USDA’s research on what foods Americans eat, what nutrients are in these foods, and how to make the best food choices for you.
  • As you can see, fat and added sugars are concentrated in foods from the Pyramid tip—fats, oils,and sweets. These food supply calories, but little or no vitamins and minerals. By using these foods sparingly, you can have a diet that supplies needed vitamins and minerals without excess calories. Some fat or sugar symbols are shown in the food groups. That’s to remind you that some food choices in these food groups can also be high in fat or added sugars.
  • When choosing foods for a healthful diet, consider the fat and added sugars in your choices from the food groups, as well as the fats, oils, and sweets from the Pyramid tip.

Post test Evaluation of the client.

  • What kind of foods puts you more at risk to increase your blood sugar.
  • Client's answer : High fat and high carbohydrate foods
  • As far as we put fruits and vegetables in our table, we don't need to look the portion of fats and carbohydrates in our plate.T/F
  • client's Answers-This is false- moderate size of protein and carbohydrate, very small size of fats( oils), high portion of fruits and vegetables are important.
Proper nutrition makes you healthy and happy person.


Kamran, A., Sharifirad, G., Heydari, H., & Sharifian, E. (2016). The Effect of Theory Based Nutritional Education on Fat Intake, Weight and Blood Lipids. Electronic Physician, 8(12), 3333–3342.

And, A. P. (2015, January 01). Amy P Campbell. Retrieved March 07, 2017, from

Meredith G. Wagner, Yeong Rhee, Kerrie Honrath, Elizabeth H. Blodgett Salafia, Donna Terbizan, Nutrition education effective in increasing fruit and vegetable consumption among overweight and obese adults, Appetite, Volume 100, 1 May 2016, Pages 94-101.

Created By
Gebrezgiabhier Abraha


Created with images by coolmikeol - "Salad" • adactio - "Salad" • sirqitous - "a tossed salad" • WordRidden - "Salad composée" • NatalieMaynor - "Spinach Salad" • zimpenfish - "Salad" • Zaskoda - "Mega Salad" • Christine Rondeau - "Beet Salad"

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