
制裁香港官员的提议得到了英国议会的支持 【中英对照翻译】

新闻来源:Taiwan News《台湾新闻》;作者:Chris Chang;发布时间:2020/08/23



香港民主运动人士罗冠聪近日写信给英国外交大臣多米尼克·拉布(Dominic Raab),呼吁他执行马格尼茨基式的《2020年全球人权制裁条例》。罗冠聪表示,英国应该制裁一众破坏《中英联合声明》所承诺的“高度自治”、强推香港国安法的中国内地及香港官员、警察及亲中人士。他宣称,已经获19名跨党派英国议员的联名支持。




Push to sanction Hong Kong officials gathers support in British Parliament


Historical ties between Hong Kong, United Kingdom make sanctions particularly potent


TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The call to sanction Hong Kong officials, including Chief Executive Carrie Lam (林鄭月娥), has received cross-party endorsements in the British Parliament.

台北(台湾新闻)—— 制裁包括行政长官林郑月娥在内的香港官员的呼声在英国议会中获得跨党派的支持。

Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Nathan Law (羅冠聰) addressed a letter to British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab urging him to act in accordance with the Magnitsky-style Global Human Rights Sanctions Regulations 2020. Those who undermine the freedom granted to Hong Kong by the Sino-British Joint Declaration should be held to account, Law stated.

香港民主运动人士罗冠聪(Nathan Law)在一封给英国外交大臣多米尼克·拉布(Dominic Raab)的信中,呼吁他执行马格尼茨基式的《2020年全球人权制裁条例》。罗冠聪表示,应该追究那些破坏《中英联合声明》所赋予香港自由的人的责任。

Britian's Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab (AP Photo) 英国外交大臣多米尼克-拉布(美联社图片)。

The current members of Parliament that endorse the sanctions include lain Duncan Smith and David Davis from the Conservative Party, Helena Kennedy from the Labour Party, Alistair Carmichael from the Liberal Democrats, and Natalie Bennett from the Green Party of England and Wales.

目前,支持制裁的议会包括了保守党的莱恩·邓肯·史密斯(lain Duncan Smith)和戴维·戴维斯(David Davis),工党的海伦娜·肯尼迪(Helena Kennedy),自由民主党的阿利斯泰尔·卡迈克尔(Alistair Carmichael)以及英格兰和威尔士绿党的纳塔莉·贝内特(Natalie Bennett)。

Some of these endorsers have held leading roles in the British government — Smith used to lead the Conservatives and served as secretary of state for Work and Pensions. David Davis is the former secretary of state for Exiting the European Union.

在这些支持者中,有些人曾在英国政府中发挥过领导作用:史密斯(Smith)曾经是保守党领袖和工作并担任过英国养老金大臣。戴维·戴维斯(David Davis)曾是退出欧盟的内务大臣。

In the letter to Raab, Law pointed out that the regulations provide the legal grounds to punish Lam and other Hong Kong officials for ignoring police brutality during the pro-democracy protests and cooperating with Beijing to implement the national security law, which has devastated civil liberties and judicial independence in the region.

罗冠聪在给拉布 (Raab)的信中指出,该条例为惩罚林和其他香港官员提供了法律依据,因为在民主抗议运动期间,他们无视警察的暴行,并与北京合作,实施了破坏公民自由和司法独立的国家安全法。

He also mentioned the government's move to bar 12 pro-democracy candidates from running in the legislative elections and its postponement of those elections. He compared the moves to the abuses of power committed by Belarusian President Alexender Lukashenko, commonly referred to as "Europe's last dictator."

他还提到了政府禁止12名支持民主的候选人参加立法选举以及推迟选举的举动。他将这一举动与白俄罗斯总统亚历山大·卢卡申科(Alexander Lukashenko)所犯的滥用权力作了比较,而亚历山大·卢卡申科(Alexander Lukashenko)则被公认为“欧洲的最后独裁者”。

As Raab has deemed the re-election of Lukashenko "fraudulent" and promised that the U.K. would follow the European Union in sanctioning Belarus, Law believes the foreign minister should take the same approach toward Hong Kong.

由于拉布 (Raab)认为卢卡申科(Lukashenko)的连任是“欺诈”,并承诺英国将跟随欧盟制裁白俄罗斯。所以罗冠聪认为外交大臣应该对香港采取同样的做法。

"Seeing the reactions of the Hong Kong officials facing previous sanctions ordered by the U.S., it is obvious they are not untouchable. Since Hong Kong officials own even more properties and have family or children in the U.K., if the British government is willing to sanction these people who sabotage Hong Kong's autonomy, the effect will be striking," Law wrote.


编辑:【喜马拉雅战鹰团】Edited by:【Himalaya Hawk Squad】