My Divine Experience Angela Delfino

Arriving at seven o'clock on the dot, I was overwhelmed by the number of people that were also attending this performance. I honestly did not expect that many people to be there. Although the building was large, there were attendants to guide us to the right place. The building was filled with modern art, which I really enjoyed. We were instructed to check our bags and swipe our UF IDs before being escorted to an assigned seat. The theatre was large and full with UF Freshmen students and the loud, powerful voices of the actors. Luckily, I was assigned a fairly good seat and had a nice view of the entire performance. I think my close seat made it easy to pay attention and follow along, since the actors were right in front of me. When the lights dimmed and the audience quieted, I was anxious to see what was coming up next. The size of the auditorium made the performance seem more powerful and real. The role of place in the Good Life affects the location in which your dreams may become true and your goals may be achieved.

The best decision I made was to take this class with my roommate, Cambrie. We were able to walk together, sit together, and discuss the event together afterwards. I think that being able to share this event with someone makes the experience more meaningful and allows for different interpretations of events. It was also nice to sit next to strangers because it allowed me to meet new people. To get ready for the performance, Cambrie and I read up on the play and looked up the location to make sure we knew where we were going. We were excited for the events so we made sure to leave early. Shared experiences allow people to achieve their goals with their peers, which gives them people to celebrate with. These peers can always be there for support and even guide us in the right direction for the Good Life.

Does the subject matter have a relationship to something happening in your own life? This performance helped me appreciate child labor laws in the United States. I always knew that they existed but their significance never really became evident to me until after this performance. The play addressed how the lack of child labor laws endangered the children and prevented them from pursuing educations. After the deaths of three children, and witnessing the little boy struggle to make very little money and not be able to receive an education, I an in complete agreement with child labor laws and can appreciate their existence. In my life, I wasn't able to get my first job until I was 16, but it was in cooperation with my education and I received fair and equal pay, hence why I was not aware of how life would be without child labor laws.

This performance allows for katharsis because it essentially singles out and focusses on two main issues in Canada for the time being. The play focusses on showing the issues of both lack of child labor laws and secularism. They use the children in the factory to display the child labor issues, and they also use the prohibition of the play to show the conflict of separation of Church and State. By showing the audience how severely these issues affects citizens, it allows the audience to come clean and realize acknowledge the problems.


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