The Process of Human Evolution Will The Population Develop in Time? OR Will It Fade Away?

The overpopulation is a major problem in the world and it gravely affects the undeveloped countries like Ethiopia, but many are striving to live in these overpopulated areas. The lack of education is a very serious condition and as it is illustrated in this picture it shows the rural traffic in a city of India Which is in need of sanitation treatment.
The overpopulation as it is seen here it lacks on educational rights and civilization order like in this picture it is seen a overpopulated area in India the people may not now that they are spreading disease.
This pyramids graph illustrates how population is and also estimated if the current methods of agriculture ans advances in technology in developing countries will never change and remain the same.
The only way society today can change their future is by having an education, leave old agricultural ways in the past and introduce new ways of farming. Learning how to learn to save resources.
Sanitation should also be given a chance to complete by throwing local trash in certain spots of land. But not Primarily in the ocean or lakes.
Created By
Abraham Mata


Created with images by ZEBULON72 - "sanitation all down the drain pottery" • joakant - "new dehli overpopulation chaos" • PDPics - "crowded street mumbai"

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