It Gives My Grandpa savannah Paisley


When family is around it gives my grandpa joy. He loves when we are all together because it makes him smile and he is happiest when he is filled with love and laughter.
Lemon Meringue Pie gives my grandpa joy. His appsolute favorite dessert is this pie because usually someone in our family will make it with some extra special love and it means alot to him.
Watching his grandchildren skate gives my grandpa joy. He loves how much time and effort we put in so to see us perform and to see all of our progress makes him happy.


Health gives my grandpa hope. He is really healthy now and rarely gets sick so he has hope that he will stick around for a long time.
A home that he lives in with my grandma gives my grandpa hope. He has hope that he will live to be a very old man in his home happy and at peace.
Religion and faith give my grandpa hope. He has hope that one day god will rise again and come back to help the world when it's needed the most.


My grandpa is very proud of his career. He is very proud to have helped so many people in desperate times and he is proud to have served his country.
My grandpa is very proud of his marriage. He is proud of his wife for raising their children and for being there when it was most needed.
My grandpa is proud of his kids. From being adopted to growing up he is proud in their place in the world and all the things they have accomplished.


The new U.S president gives my grandpa pause. He is interested in the new changes and decisions that will be made to our country.
The violence in the city of Chicago gives my grandpa pause. He is interested to see what will happen about the violence and shootings and if there will be some change in Chicago.
How people can have time to text but not call gives my grandpa pause. He wonders is with how much technology people are using will affect their communication skills.


Created with images by Steve Charman - "Love" • Monikapp - "chestnut autumn nature" • jules:stonesoup - "mum's lemon meringue pie" • julenka - "nice apples green eating healthy" • Jason Pratt - "House" • - "Cross" • AMagill - "Firefighters" • Symic - "atpWD046" • valeriafcorrea - "orquidea flower love" • marcn - "Donald Trump" • romanboed - "Chicago Reflection" • niekverlaan - "telephone mobile to call"

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