frankinstin's theme's: fate and free will by:keyshawn

in the book peoples role are destined by fate or moved by free will. they can be forced in to something the by actions of others that can change what can happen to them it can happen to anyone at anytime.

in the book the character who had a fate would be the monster who had to live with everyone's hate that he was destined by the fate of his creator Frankenstein to be evil in every way in thus he will craft others fates from there like William who died young and Elizabeth who died JUST after marriage.

“Cold, want and fatigue were the least pains which I was destined to endure; I was cursed by some devil and carried about with me my eternal hell; yet still a spirit of good followed and directed my steps when I most murmured would suddenly extricate me from seemingly insurmountable difficulties” (Chapter 24).

this quote is after the all the events of had passed that lead to revenge victor Frankenstein the creator of the monster had given up on life and was only in search of the monster who had made the fate of him and Frankenstein. after all of this it was as if the monster was a real bad guy but he was just there to make victor look like the hero where fate is tied


Created with images by Hermann - "justitia zodiac sign signs of the zodiac" • Bilal Kamoon - "sky dive" • new 1lluminati - "freed" • Lel4nd - "Time is free" • Taken - "freedom fence liberty" • MENI from ASO! & Soothe. - "Hana ga saku (color version)"

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