Where to begin to achieve single digit Bodyfat Diary of a Natural Physique Competitor

This is a diary of a non athlete, everyday dad, and full time career minded individual keeping off the weight and searching for the key to maintaining aesthetics. Through a lifestyle of healthy eating, weight training, stress management, and physique competitions.

32 years of age

It's been a long road to where I am today, I started this journey not to long after this picture was taken. I was a 46 waist and weighed about 256 pounds, along with an embarrassment of being unable to bend down and tie my shoes without an issue. One thing I learned during the last 5 years is: this is a daily battle that must be managed as such.

There will be good days and bad days. The biggest reason people fall back into major weight gain, after losing a substantial amount of fat. Is not because they want to regain it, they have a little fun after reaching there apex. Then forget to reset a plan.

There is No Focused Goal.

Plain and Simple.

If there is no reason to stay lean or not eat correctly then there is no longer a plan of attack. Along with no urgency if there is no finish line to cross. If you have an A to Z plan of attack, you will now have a instant authority attached to your goal of weight loss. Staying on course to the end, if there is an event set date driving force, leading the carriage to its preset destination. Personally for me that involves having physique competitions to prep for. As nothing will motivate you more, than having to stand in front of an audience of peers, with minimal clothes and get judged with some of the best physiques in your area and beyond. This has become a wonderful hobby that keeps me passionate and focused daily on maintaining my weight.

Tampa Bay Classic Men's Physique 2016
37 years old

The first step is to create an equation of how to achieve my goal of getting to a single digit bodyfat. My A to Z Plan of Attack.

Your's might be different, but it still works the same Your equation will be what you weigh Now(A) and what you need to weigh by when(Z)

Here is an example:

Today is December 2nd 2016, I am 200 Lbs at 18% bodyfat being 2 Lbs. Per % (that is my A) my contest is June 3rd 2017 goal weight is 160 bodyfat 6% or lower (that is my Z)

In the next post I will go over the foods needed in your diet that will help me achieve this Goal.

Feel free to message me on personal coaching if you want a more one on one tutorial.

Created By
Thomas Mandzik

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