-HR Concerns- Expatriate Relocation presented by: Ryan McKenzie, Adili Ntibonera, Austin Ramsey, Landon Segner, Brett Stovall, and George Hinnant


Expatriates are essential to effectively work in a new overseas market.

When moving to a new country for employment, several factors musy be taken into account.

Adjustment, Relocation, Human Resource Management


The Relocation Process

Culture shock from a new environment

Expatriate medical needs

Communication between the expatriate and host country

Cost-benefit analysis

Language barriers of a new country

Organizational Impact

Expenses: training, moving, cost of living, etc.

Profit: Create business and new opportunities

Marketing-Brand the business

Strategy-New Connections, New Business ventures, and Efficiency

Legal Implications of Relocation

Income tax: Many countries have a higher income tax for expatriates

Divorce Laws: Some countries do not recognize Prenuptial agreements made in the United States (London, etc)

Biblical Perspective

God is sufficient for meeting needs-2 Corinthians 9:8

Know the worth of others- Matthew 10:29-31


Created with images by Unsplash - "aerial view sunset aerial" • Johgus - "statue of liberty new york sunset" • Unsplash - "oriental pearl tower shanghai city" • derwiki - "london parliament england" • karen_neoh - "Courtroom" • Lee_seonghak - "climbing wood palgakjeong"

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