Kyell Sixten Pieritz New to this world

I was born December 6th 2016 at 4:16 pm.

I'm an American since I was born on US soil. I'm hoping my parents will soon file for my German citizenship in New York City ...

... I'll then have two passports and nationalities!

My birth took an unbelievable 45 hours! I was finally born all natural, thanks to the great help and patience of our awesome delivery team.

Weighing, measuring and testing really wasn't for me. Though my 22 inches in length and 8 lbs and 7.4 oz is something I can well display.

Lucky me, I was allowed to rest on my mom's chest right after birth. Daddy cut the umbilical cord in the meantime; kind of like my opening ceremony.

Otherwise, the first 2 days of my life in the hospital were really good. I was allowed to stay with my parents the whole time and sleep on daddy's chest during the night.

My arrival was longingly expected at home. Well, with 42 weeks I snug in an extra 14 days in moms belly.

I mainly focused on growing during the 42 weeks ...

... whilst my parents and their friends passed the time with awesome baby showers and lots of presents ...

For pastime activities, my Family was involved in a name guessing game. The guessers are allowed to change my diapers 5 times for each wrong guess.

The winner is my second cousine Priska! Grandpa Martin made second place.

... but now I'm finally here and can't wait to explore the world and get to know all of you!

YOURS Kyell Sixten Pieritz

Created By
Benny Pieritz


All photos (c) Benjamin Pieritz

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