
Classification: British Wildlife and Natural History By The Nature Collection for British Wildlife & TTS

Classification: British Wildlife & Natural History

Explore the world of British Wildlife with two Classification Activity Packs. The packs are designed for primary schools, after school clubs, forest schools or to enjoy at home with friends and family.

As well as learning about Classification, the cards will inspire children to discover more about our fascinating local wildlife.

In a tough, plastic carry case, each pack contains 6 Classification Boards and 40 Photo Cards.

The packs come in a tough, plastic case

Both packs contain 6 x A4 Classification Boards, which set out the criteria for each group of animals.

Classification Boards

The British Wildlife Pack contains 40 Photo Cards of familiar British animals in their natural habitat.

Wildlife Photo Cards

The Natural History Pack contains 40 Photo Cards of an amazing range of objects relating to our local animals: skulls, skeletons, claws, feathers, skins, eggs and scales.

Natural History Photo Cards

The Classification packs were created by the leading schools' catalogue, TTS, and The Nature Collection.

Photos and text by Susanna Ramsey, creator of 'The Nature Collection’ series of school workshops, which she has delivered in primary schools since 2010. With themes focusing on Local Wildlife, Adaptations, Classification, Food Webs, Habitats and Life Cycles, Susanna has run curriculum-linked workshops for over 26,000 children from Nursery to Year 6.

Susanna Ramsey

Classification Boards

Both packs contain 6 x A4 Classification Boards. The boards are laminated and hard wearing.

One side of the board shows the criteria for a group of animals: Amphibians, Birds, Fish, Insects, Mammals & Reptiles.

Children can learn and practise their classification skills by sorting the Photo Cards onto the relevant Classification Board.

Mammals Classification Board and double-sided Photo Cards, with photos on one side and facts about the animal, on the back.

Classification: British Wildlife

Classification: British Wildlife

British Wildlife Photo Cards

There are 40 small photo cards. (5 x 5 cm)

Photo Cards
  • Amphibians including Great crested newt
  • Birds including Blackbird, Peregrine & Coot
  • Insects including Honey bee & Flesh fly
  • Fish including Common carp
  • Mammals including Pipistrelle bat, Water vole & Hedgehog
  • Reptiles includingAdder

Look closely at the photos to classify the animals.

  • Does the animal have feathers and a beak?
  • Does it have scales or wet skin?
  • Is it hairy?
  • Does it have antennae and wings?

Think about the animal.

  • Does it lay eggs?
  • Where does it live?
  • How does it breathe?
  • Has it got a backbone?
Learn to identify and classify our local animals.

Interesting Facts

On the back of each card are notes about the animal. Find the answers to all these questions and many more!

  • Where do herons nest?
  • What do wasps feed to their young?
  • Do bumble bees have queens?
  • What do lizards eat?
  • Where do frogs hibernate?
  • Which fish adapt their colour to camouflage with their environment?
British Wildlife Photo Cards

Many of these facts relate to topics in the National Curriculum like Habitats, Food Webs, Life Cycles and Adaptations. They are cross-curricular and will reinforce other areas of Science learning! Children will be fascinated.

Sort the cards into the different groups and learn more about our local wildlife.

Be Inspired! Become a Naturalist!

Make a list of all the wild animals you see during the term. Which insects visit the bug hotel or patch of weeds? How many birds come to your feeders?

This Classification Pack contains 6 Classification Boards and 40 Photo Cards of British wildlife

Price: £15.99 (£19.19 incl VAT)


Classification: Natural History

Natural History Photo Cards

There are 40 small Photo Cards (5 x 5cm).

Each shows an amazing item connected to our local wildlife. Look at the photos and think about the animal they relate to. Is it from a bird or reptile?

Natural History Photo Cards
  • Bird photos include a Shoveler duck skull, Magpie claw, Barn owl pellet and Jay feather
  • Mammal photos include Hedgehog spines, Wood mouse ribcage, Shrew jawbone, Mole skeleton and Fox skull
  • Amphibian photos include a Common frog skeleton
  • Insect photos include a Chalkhill blue butterfly's wing, Mining bees and a Puss moth
  • Reptile photos include a taxidermy Slow worm and Grass snake egg cases
  • Fish photos include Salmon vertebrae and a Pike's head

Interesting Facts

The Photo Cards have interesting notes on the back.

Think about the objects.

  • Which animal is it from?
  • What does the animal look like?
  • Was the item part of the animal's body? Was it once alive?
  • What does it feel like?
  • Do humans have similar parts to their body?
  • Is it the whole animal or just part of it?

Measurements. The size of each item is also shown on the back of the cards.

  • Look at a ruler to see how big it is.
  • Draw a rectangle which it would fit into. Draw the object inside!
  • Would it fit in your hand?
  • Is it longer than your finger?
  • Do you think it's heavy?
Sort the photo cards and put them on the correct board.

Most of these notes relate to topics in the National Curriculum like Bones & Body Structure, Diet, Life Cycles and Adaptations. Children and teachers will love them!

Mammal skulls. Who do they belong to? Why are the teeth so different? What do these animals eat?

Natural History Museum. Go to your local museum to look for similar objects. Look for skeletons of UK animals. Can you find display cases for butterflies, bees and beetles?

What will you learn about Adaptations,?

Be inspired! Become a Collector!

Go for a wildlife walk in the woods or park. What will you find? Maybe a feather, an owl pellet or a dead butterfly? Clean it and make a label to say what it is, where and when you found it.

Price £15.99 (£19.19 incl VAT)

This Classification Pack contains 6 Classification Boards and 40 Photo Cards of natural history items.
Whose rib cage is this? 20mm long x 10mm wide!


Explore the whole range of British Wildlife products created by the leading schools' catalogue, TTS and The Nature Collection. The products are perfect for use in primary schools, nurseries, after school clubs, forest schools or at home with friends and family. Inspire children of all ages to explore the lives of the animals which share our gardens, parks and woods.

Look & Learn Cards: British Birds, Mammals & Minibeasts

Food Webs Activity Pack

Classification: British Wildlife & Natural History

ID Wheels: British Birds, Mammals & Minibeasts

Discovery Bags: British Birds, Mammals & Minibeasts

Playground Signboards: British Birds, Mammals, & Minibeasts

If you would like to learn more about animal skulls and skeletons in my natural history collection, The Nature Collection, click on the links below:

Tawny owl skull
Created By
Susanna Ramsey


Susanna Ramsey