Curiosity Geog1010 feedback

As you will have seen, I have been through all the portfolios and looked at your submissions for the Curiosity section of your Professional Skills for Geographers badge. Everyone who has submitted something should have some comments or can see how they have been graded.

Overall, the work you submitted was superb and showed some excellent digital skills as well as creativity already. You displayed a good array of digital skills and explored the use of presentation tools like Sway, Spark video as well as Emaze and video tools. It was really interesting to watch, listen and explore your interests with you.

What do the points mean?

What do the points mean?

The points are assigned to each submission from 1-4. They are not grades but indicators to give you some idea of what you can do to improve your submission. Each point has some feedback associated with it which is provided in the grid called a rubric. This is fancy term for feedback which is useful for you to see how you can improve what you have submitted. If something is missing in your portfolio then you will see what this is in the comments. Don't get hung up on the points, they are there to help you show off your evidence of your expertise.

Sources of information

Sources of information

I noted that many of you submitted photos and images but didn't say where they came from. You should cite all your sources of information, whether they are journal articles, quotes or images. There is something called Creative Commons which is a licence, of different levels of visibility and use. You should be aware of this as it is a useful guide as to whether or not you will be able to use it in your work. Some things to think about:

1) Not all images will give your permission to share. Please check that you can share it by using Google image search and the licence. By doing this you can check the source of the image (usually) and the permissions associated with it.

2) Google images are the way that you can find the images but are not the source of the image.

3) There are some really useful sites that can help you find photos to use online.

  • Try - they give you the name of the owner of the image which you can use to cite
  • - provides you with different sizes of image and which level of permission
Adding Documents into Pathbrite

I noticed that some of you were uploading files that would not display properly in Pathbrite. I think that this was because they were hosted on your local machines and we not strictly online. I would suggest that you use the EDIT function within Pathbrite. To upload a document choose EDIT>DOCUMENTS>UPLOAD and select where the document is to be uploaded from. If you don't want to upload a document you could create a document from within Pathbrite using their own text function.

If you have created a presentation using anything on the web you can check that you have allowed it to be viewed by everybody, so make it publicly available. If I have to log into Sway for example, it usually means that I can also edit it, and I am sure you don't want that!

Using tools to engage your audience and add value

Some of you created some brilliant word documents with some arrows and boxes. In most cases this was absolutely fine, but I couldn't help but think that they could be even more awesome if you used interactive tools. One that came to mind was something called ThingLink. If you look at the example I provided in the first assignment, within the Sway presentation I included an example ThingLink. Basically it allows you to add a photo and create 'hotspots' within it to share links, include maps and even add videos. Have a look at it and see what you think, but it would certainly make your images more engaging and modern. They would also allow you to add a greater depth of content. Adding maps, videos and links to explain your photo would bring a richness to your artefacts.

The website for ThingLink is simply,

Final thoughts

And finally, try to think about why you are completing a portfolio. This is your opportunity to bring evidence together to showcase what you know and use the web to effectively communicate this. Shortcuts might be OK for an assignment (well, not really but you could get away with it) but this isn't really for your assessment. This is to show people who you have never met before what you are capable of doing. So make it worth it.

Created By
Fiona Harvey


Created with images by shimelle - "Kilauea Volcano" • amslerPIX - "Volcano" • illustir - "Mountains" • Unsplash - "matterhorn switzerland mountain" • Backpackerin - "torres del paine mountains granite" • simiant - "Humans Being" • congerdesign - "cat cat face sleep"

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