The Lottery Thieves By: Jake

Lottery Thieves

As we pulled up to our new huge house, I saw a gated entrance with my last name BARNELS on it. I saw my dad talk into what looked like a drive through microphone at Mcdonalds. After he was done talking, the gate, which looked like castle doors, slowly creaked its way open. “Dad” I said, “is there a map of this place and if there is, please email it to me because I overheard you talking to the dealer and this place is like a gazillion square feet.”

“Well Andrew it’s not a gazillion square feet. For one that’s not a real number and two that would be the biggest house ever. It would be huge and I mean huge!” my dad said.

I walked into my new house and saw two huge staircases leading up to the second floor. Compared to my last house this was like 50 times bigger. I walked up the stairs that I think we're made of marble and saw the railing and I had to slide down it! It was so fun because for one the rail was super long plus the rail was curved, so it was especially fun. The rail was made of wood but was so smooth so I went flying.

The next morning I was in my room and I noticed that some of my stuff was missing like my . I ran downstairs, but halfway down the stairs, I realized that Kenswayla, our maid had been in my room. She must have rearranged my items. I went to her room and knocked on the door. “Come in” I heard her say in her dainty voice. I walked in and saw her dusting the room. “Did you perhaps rearrange any of my items last night?” I asked. “No!” she said. But right at that moment I saw a mischievous grin come across her face.

I walked into my room and saw my butler. He immediately ran out of my room and I started to chase after him. I saw him run into his room and I barged in and I caught him.

I saw some of my stolen items. For some reason I just jumped on him and I heard a wince of pain come from the man. My dad heard the commotion and came running into my room.

“What the heck is going on?” he yelled. “Our maid and butler our stealing my stuff” I said. At first my dad looked at me like I was crazy, but then he saw his wallet in the butler’s hand. So then, my dad jumped on the butler too and wrestled the wallet out of his hand.

The next day I saw on the news that my butler and maid were working together to rob our house. After they heard we won the lottery they pretended to be a maid and a butler and tried to rob us. My family later hired a new maid and butler, but this time we checked their backgrounds very thoroughly and made sure they were not thieves!

Works Cited

Huge House. Digital image. Web. 2 Feb. 2017. <>.

Maid. Digital image. Web. 2 Feb. 2017. <>.

Mugshot. Digital image. Web. 6 Feb. 2017. <>.

Phone. Digital image. Web. 6 Feb. 2017. <>.

Phone. Digital image. Web. 6 Feb. 2017. <>.

Police. Digital image. Web. 6 Feb. 2017. <>.

Staircase. Digital image. Web. 2 Feb. 2017. <>.

Wallet. Digital image. Web. 6 Feb. 2017. <>.

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