
無恥中共,要用多少屍體來掩蓋真相?! 看看武漢24小時作業的焚化爐

新聞來源:ZeroHedge, February 5, 2020

作者:Tyler Durden

新聞翻譯/評論: TCC

Shameless the CCP! How many more corpses do you need to cover up the truth

Look at the 24-hour Incrimination in Wuhan

Introduction: Yesterday, the leader of the Expose Revolution to annihilate the CCP, Mr. Guo Wengui, was interviewed by Bannon’s War Room (2/6 - War Room: Pandemic Ep 13) and mentioned the Wuhan Crematorium, which burns corpses infected with the new coronavirus 24 hours a day, and can burn 1,200 corpses a day. This has been on-going for 17 days to date. The total number of cremated dead bodies does not match the death number that the CCP (the Chinese Communist Party) has told the international communities. This article puts forward the video and photos to prove the truth that the crematorium has been flooded with corona-infected corpses!

The CCP’s endless lies and nonsense are asking the WHO to cover for them and the world to pay for its evil deeds one can image!

We should recognize the nature of CCP’s totalitarian and dictatorship and its regard to human lives as dung. The CCP is more terrifying than any terrorist organization in the history. The CCP must extinct, then the world can be peaceful again!

引言:昨日(2/6)暴料革命的領導者郭文貴先生接受班農戰鬥室訪問(War Room Pandemic Ep 13)提到武漢火葬場24小時焚燒因病毒感染的屍體,一天可焚燒1200具屍體,已經有17天的時間了。想想這如何與中共告知國際其死亡人數相比?!此篇報導,更提出視頻與照片證明事實的真相 —— 火葬場已被冠狀病毒感染的屍體所淹沒!



Wuhan Crematorium Inundated With Coronavirus-Infected Corpses


While it's been reported in several outlets that Wuhan officials are shuttling bodies to crematoriums, questions remain over just how many corpses are being incinerated, stoking fears that the true extent of the outbreak is being concealed.

雖然有報導稱武漢官員正在將屍體運往火葬場,但人們仍對正在焚燒多少具屍體存有疑問,這使人們擔心疫情的真實範圍已被掩蓋 。

Twitter handle 曾錚 Jennifer Zeng posted the video on Tuesday, indicating that there are "Internal Videos From Crematories in Wuhan All corpses were packed in body bags and lined up, waiting for incineration. Yet the workers were singing Jackie Chan's song at the Spring Festival Gala, "My country doesn't seem sick at all."

曾錚(Jennifer Zeng)在周二發布了一視頻,“武漢火葬場有內部錄像。所有屍體都裝在屍袋中並排成一排,等待焚燒。然而,工人們卻唱著在春節時晚會成龍的歌-“我的國家似乎一點都沒有病。"

DW News East Asia correspondent William Yang cited a report from the Chinese-language news outlet Initium, which said cremation facilities in Wuhan were receiving bodies directly from hospitals without proper identification and were excluded from the official record.

DW News東亞記者William Yang引用了中文新聞機構Initium的一份報導,該報導說,武漢的火化設施是直接從醫院接收屍體而沒有適當的識別,因此不在正式記錄中。

And if the report is right, confirmed cases and deaths in China could be far closer to the catastrophic epidemic projections made by Jonathan Read.

如果該報告是正確的,那麼中國確診病例和死亡人數可能更接近喬納森·雷德(Jonathan Read)的災難性流行病預測 -英國研究人員1/25預測十天內將有超過25萬中國人患有冠狀病毒 (譯者按: 那就是現在了)。

State-run Global Times tweeted last week that "victims should be cremated close by and immediately. Burials or transfer of the bodies not allowed. Funerals not allowed to avoid spread of the virus."


On late Sunday evening, Tencent, on its webpage titled "Epidemic Situation Tracker", showed confirmed cases of novel coronavirus (2019nCoV) in China as standing at 154,023, 10 times the official figure at the time. It listed the number of suspected cases as 79,808, four times the official figure.


And while the number of cured cases was only 269, well below the official number that day of 300, most ominously, the death toll listed was 24,589, vastly higher than the 300 officially listed that day.


The Daily Star reports that "thick fog" across the city could be the result of smoke from crematoriums burning coronavirus-infected bodies "24 hours a day".


And now a major fire has possibly broken out across part of Wuhan, is this more evidence burning?

