Tech Tip Thursday October 6, 2016

Have you ever wanted to make an image or the text bigger while on a webpage? Maybe you would like to be able to magnify something on the screen to show students in class, or maybe you would like to take a screenshot of something, but you want to magnify it first?

Well, there is a shortcut for that!

Here's how to do it:

To Magnify the Screen:

While you are in the browser, hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the "+" key. Each press of the "+" key, will increase the zoom percentage.



Note: If you have a scroll bar on your mouse, you can also hold the Ctrl key while scrolling UP on the mouse to zoom in.

Zoom Out:

Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the "-" key. Each press of the "-" key, will decrease the zoom percentage.



Note: If you have a scroll bar on your mouse, you can also hold the Ctrl key while scrolling DOWN on the mouse to zoom out.

Want more information?

Laura Sprinkle - Digital Learning Specialist


Created with images by swong95765 - "Beans - Magnified" • Carlos Varela - "Ctrl" • balanced.crafts - "tiny hedgehogs" • Muffet - "pumpkins"

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