My Religious Expedition Jenna Kwiatkowski 4B


St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church is my local church in Frisco, Texas. St. Francis's is a beautiful piece of agriculture that incorporates amazing stain glass windows and a statue of Virgin Mary. Attending a mass here is very traditional and allows one to get a feel of the foundation of Christianity.

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church- Frisco, Texas

The Bethany Beyond the Jordan is the baptism site of Jesus Christ. This site was worth visiting because it is special to my faith. The water represents the cleansing of sins. It was great to encounter such an amazing place of holiness.

Bethany Beyond the Jordan- Jordan


Being able to visit Badrinath Temple was an amazing experience. This temple is considered one of the most holy in the whole religion of Hinduism. The colorfulness and detail of the building peaked my interest so I decided to check it out. It is the most visited and important Hindu sites, so you can imagine it was busy.

Badrinath Temple- Uttarakhand, India

The Ganga River is personified as the goddess Ganga. The river is viewed as a site for renewal and people worship in the Ganga. It was so interesting to see how many people gathered to show their religion. This river is one of many great natural sites in the Hinduism religion.

Gangas River- India


The Imam Ali Mosque was one of my favorite stops. This mosque contains the remains of Ali. Millions of people visit every year to pay tribute to him. The lights and features of this shrine where absolutely astonishing. The entrance was massive, lined with candles and gold designs. This was a great experience and I would definitely go back!

Imam Ali Mosque- Najaf, Iraq

The city of Mecca is considered the holiest in all of Islamic culture. It is so important because this is the birthplace of Muhammad. The city is gorgeous at night and contains fascinating customs such as worship and special dishes. The area pictured reminded me of a coliseum which I found intriguing.

Mecca, Saudi Arabia


Shwedagon Pagonda is the holiest temple in Buddhist culture. I went at sunset and completely recommend it. The way the light hits the temple is absolutely breathtaking. The Shwedagon Pagonda and all of its surroundings were beautiful. I learned that the entire structure is made of genuine gold plates! The temple was filled with so much elegancy, I would definitely go back.

Shwedagon Pagonda- Yangon, Myanmar

In Bodh Gaya is a famous and huge statue of Buddha in India. It's said that around this location is where Buddha first obtained the characteristic of enlightenment. The statue is very old but seemed to be very well taken care of when I visited. In Bodh Gaya there are other attractions like the Mahabodhi Temple But I found that the statue was my favorite due to the nature and peacefulness surrounding it.

The Great Buddha Statue- Bodh Gaya , India


The Western Wall was my last and most captivating stop in Israel. When Jerusalem was taken over, this wall was the closest Jews could get to their original temple. Over time, this wall became sacred to represent how even in tough times, Jews kept their faith. The wall may not be pretty or in great condition but it was great to learn about the history.

The Western Wall- Jerusalem, Israel

The Dome of the Rock is a Jewish shrine, but is also holy for Islamic people. I thought it was very interesting that both religions view this with importance. This building has been around since 691 CE but has also been remodeled. It was so fascinating to seem such an abstract building. The patterns and shapes were so unique!

The Dome of the Rock at Temple Mount- Jerusalem, Israel
Created By
Jenna Kwiatkowski


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