Snow Storm by leO

Once there was a boy named Leo and he wanted to play in the snow. When he opened the door a huge snow storm shot him and pushed him to the wall after the snow storm inside the house was covered with snow. Then after a few days he was poor then the snow plaw pushed the snow out of the house.then he was not poor anymore!then he went to buy food at lawblas.But it was covered with snow!then he tried cosco.But it was covered in snow!then he tried metro.But it was covered with snow! Then he tried timpans.But it was covered with snow! Then he went past timphortans,metro,cosco and loblaws.But it was not covered with snow! Then he bot food.And he was not poor anymore! THE END.


Created with images by Hans - "snowfall snow snowflakes" • Dace Kiršpile - "House from the past" • - "Snowy landscape with winter house"

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