Emtopia Hakuna Matata

Emtopia is an extremely welcoming society to live in. It is calm, peaceful, and non judgemental. Any one here is welcome. This is a place to feel infinite happiness and kindness. Everyone here will be treated equally. If you want to live in a society of peace and freedom, this is the place to be.
The motto we go by is "Hakuna Matata", also known as "No Worries". In this society, every one will be worry free. Our utopian animal is a lion because lions symbolize strength and courage.
This is a photo of a girl smiling or laughing. She seems to have not a worry in the world. If you are looking for a perfect society, this is the place to be. If you are not here, then you are missing out. We would be excited to welcome you to this society of Emtopia!


Created with images by Bexy Wood - "Lion King" • Sean MacEntee - "Beach" • Paal K. - "Hakuna Matata" • thetruthpreneur - "girl happy girl happiness"

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