Ody's Boat Shack By:Douglas O'Rourke

  • I am Odysseus the creator of Ody's boat shack gives people the privilege to roam around the world it cost 150 drachmas for a small boat 250 drachmas for a medium boat and 400 drachmas for a big boat. This is good because you can travel the world and the boat are very good size, the small boat can hold 10 people, the medium can hold 25 people, and the big one can hold 50 people. This is good because you can carry many people for not a'lot of money. below is the big boat, good size right.

Under the stern of the boat is a weaponry with spears and knifes. With this boat you could take down Poseidon, his waves will not hurt them. So these ships are the best you can find anywhere.

My son Telemachus checks the boat and designs it, my wife Penelope is the cashyear, and I am the maker of all the boats each boat takes abut 12 weeks to make 1 might be slow, but the boat is rock solid.

This is the start of the mast of a one of the boats.

The reason I decided to make a boat company is because I was on a boat for 20 years and almost all of my boats that I bought broke. But I put my boat in the worst weather I had sparta beat it up and it does not have a hole in it. This is why I think you should let make this company. Because I know what a bad boat is and my boat is not bad.


Created with images by pj_vanf - "Cyclops" • Mturner - "sailboat ship sea" • Argonaut999 - "hammer wood old tool"

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