
SOCA1030 Week 8 - Essay Workshop! Scroll down for more

Get started as soon as you can! You don't have to do the whole thing - make the scary blank page less intimidating by making a document, copy/paste your essay question then save the doc.
Got 10mins? Write down the following under your chosen question. Introduction, Paragraph 1-4 and the conclusion (see pic below). This technique will improve your overall structure and the uniformity of your paragraphs.

Your Question (2000 word limit)

Introduction (300words)

Paragraph 1 - 5 (300words)

Conclusion (300 words)

Reference List (Harvard Referencing Style)

This essay is worth 40% your mark - make sure you put the work in!
Read over your main texts - the textbook and associated readings. To take your essay to the next level you need to do additional academic research.

Jump onto the http://www.newcastle.edu.au/library website for your research. Below I have screenshots of my 'tips' for getting the most out of NEWCAT+. Start with your keywords, then if that doesn't work use the below extras

When you are reading the journal article PDF's aim for journals that are sociological or anthropological (unsure - email me). Don't passivley read your articles - use the highlighter and comment box to find the following: -Key argument – what is the authors/papers position, Definitions of key terms, Key theories, Concepts. Highlight the section and then use a comment box to note what it is.

After you have done some reading and research make a note next the paragraphs (1-4) on your essay plan document about what each paragraph will be about (will keep your paragraphs on topic) then arrange them into a logical order. THEN you can start writing. This will set you up to write the best essay ever!!

When you have written your essay, highlight each of the concepts or theories you have used throughout - to take it to the next level, include more than one theory/concept in your piece and compare them. Do they work together? Why? Why not?

This is one of the best tips I could give you, type into google academic transitions - these are amazing for creating fantastic essays. Just one website for example: https://student.unsw.edu.au/transition-signals-writing

Last but not least!! Referencing - finish your essay on a high notes, i.e. an amazing flawless reference list (and in-text references)! http://libguides.newcastle.edu.au/referencing/harvard


Created with images by chornamariya - "Forest"

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