A Day at the Museum of Natural History A Spark story by Adam Turner

Nature on Display

The very first exhibit I saw as I entered the museum was about those most famous amphibians, frogs. By far, my favorite type of science is environmental science, in which frogs play a vital role. It was this which initially drew me to this exhibit. Once in the exhibit, I was fascinated with the various displays and informational pieces they had. I especially enjoyed the various species of frogs they kept in the display cases. In a textbook, you normally can't read the background of an animal and then see how that animal acts in real life. There were also several interactive parts of this exhibit where I could listen to frog sounds, hear about their habitats, and see videos about the plight of frogs.

Nature and Ethics

Part of the museum that particularly struck me was the skeleton of a woolly mammoth that they had on display in the front room. I decided to include it under the ethics section because of an inscription on the information panel. It listed three of the main reasons the mammoth went extinct. The main reason stated was overhunting by humans. Anthropologic causes are at the root of most environmental issues we see in the modern day. Once I passed the skeleton, I saw even more exhibits discussing the human caused destruction of our environment. It really made me think about the importance of preserving the abundant natural resources we have.

Nature and Human Spirit

Stepping into the butterfly rainforest was like entering a more peaceful and serene world, one in which assignments and the general stress of life didn't matter. Instead, I got to enjoy seeing the butterflies fluttering through the air. It made me think of all those poems my high school teachers had us read about the beauty and transcendence of butterflies. In that "rainforest," I saw what the that image poets describe in their writings.

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