
Celebrating 50 HC1988

A year ago I launched an effort to connect the Class of 1988 as many of us turned 50 in 2016. It was partly selfish -- knowing you all were crossing that bridge made it a bit easier for me. But I also felt we had something to offer each other. After all, nearly 30 years ago we shared a powerful, memorable time in our lives: The edge of adulthood, turning 19, 20, 21 together, trying to figure it all out, plan what was next and navigate the treacherous ground that comes with that territory.

A bunch of us wrote letters, one a month for a year, looking at 50 or 51 from our different perspectives. Thank you Pete Galamaga, Katie Collins, Dave Luttinger, Brian Howie, Maureen Hassett-Lindsay, Claire Rogers Morris, Pam Carr Burns, Bob Hamel, Rick "Scrap" Jackson and Jane O'Scannlain. Everyone wrote from the heart.

Katie Collins, above, with her daughter. Pete Galamaga, left, Brian Howie, right.
Bob Hamel, left, Pam Carr Burns, right.
Maureen Hassett Lindsey, far left, with Mary Noeth Slattery, Claire Rogers Morris, Dave Luttinger
Me, Mary Boyle, left, Rick "Scrap" Jackson, right, with Chuck Hannigan
Jane O'Scannlain

It was great to see so many of us have managed to stay in touch through time, family life, new technologies, job changes, politics, cross-country moves, illness, death, victories and the day-to-day slog. Thank you for sharing a piece of your 50th year. Here's what it looks like. You're an impressive bunch!

Thank you, and wishing you a great year!


Mary Boyle