Hello my name is Miguel and I am from Alcorcon , a city in Madrid .I am twelve years old and my birthday is on 28th, October.

I study first year of Secondary Education in Galileo Galilei high school . My brother studied in this high school last year, he works in the Royal Palace now .

I get up very early, at seven o'clock. Classes start at half past eight and finish at half past two.

On Mondays and on Wednesdays I go to the swimming pool at quarter past six.

On Thursdays and on Tuesdays I go to the academy at quarter past four.

On Fridays I play videogames all the evening .

On weekdays I go to bed at half past ten except on Friday .

I love sports. I play football, basketball and I go swimming .

I love videogames . I play batman , fifa and nba . My favourite game is the fifa , I play with my brother and with my friends.


Created with images by pineapplesupplyco - "pineapple desk wood" • Salva Martinez - "Piscina" • kaicho20 - "controller playstation hand" • Jose Florido - "Norman en la cama" • tpsdave - "swimming swimmer female"

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