Gaming in Education Callie Murphy

In order to prevent schools from continually operating as if it were an assembly line, education must evolve with the changing of society and rise to meet students needs and learning styles
Video games easily meet requirements of the International Society for Technology in Education Standards
Gaming within the Classroom

Teacher becomes the facilitator, providing students with guidance and necessary tools to pursue their own learning and interests

The domestic video game industry brings in nearly $12 billion a year (Norcia, 2014)

Video games that encourage building towns and helping others promotes pro-social behavior from players (Norcia, 2014)

Video games improve hand/eye coordination (Norcia, 2014)

Improves problem-solving skills (American Psychologist)

Physicians use video games to promote health among their patients (American Psychologist)


Norcia, A. (2014, June). The Impact of Video Games. Retrieved December 06, 2016, from

“The Benefits of Playing Video Games,” Isabela Granic, PhD, Adam Lobel, PhD, and Rutger C.M.E. Engels, PhD, Radboud University Nijmegen; Nijmegen, The Netherlands; American Psychologist, Vol. 69, No. 1.

Created By
Callie Murphy


Created with images by Sean MacEntee - "iPad" • Hugo-90 - "Lloyd Hartnett assembly line in 1957" • GSLCMedia - "kids crafts arts and crafts" • - "The Color of Money" • NEC Corporation of America - "Education - Creative Commons" • PlaSmart Inc - "WonkyWheels" • FromSandToGlass - "A Starry Night" • stevepb - "salad fresh food"

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