The Gothic My photography project

Whistle And Ill Come To You (1968)

What Am I Doing This Part Of The Term?

This term I am focusing on re-creating a scene from Whistle and I'll come to you. I will be working with Luella on this project and we will be recreating it by taking about 3-4 photos. At first we will be starting a rough shoot at school, then we will be using our idea of what to shoot at what angles and styles to then take the photos professionally at Mount Edgecumbe.

What Scene Am I Going To Recreate?

I will be recreating the film from 24:45 - 28:15 by using still images and creating about 4 or so photos. Specifically I will roughly be taking photos of these key points: 24:45, 25:02, 26:21 & 28:14.

These 4 photos are the ones Luella and I will be re-creating for our photography project.

These are the photos Luella and I had recreated from the film.

The following photos are the ones Luella and I recreated from the film Whistle And Ill Come To You.

Overall I think the test shoot went very well. It allowed us to broaden our understanding of what the angles and framing techniques we would like to use in our final pictures would look like. Mae and Amy have agreed to model for Luella and I in our shoot at Mount Edgecume this weekend.

Where in Mt. Edgucumbe will we shoot it?

The fence scene will be shot at the house, facing off into the gravel and path downward. The tunnel scene could be shot in the garden next to the Orangery, or facing off into the woods off of the beach. We will be shooting the part where he's eating the sandwich at the beach area.

Angles And Lighting Planning:

Presentation Planning:

Luella and I have discussed what our layout for our presentation would be for our end show on the 18th of December. The main idea we had was to hang pictures from the ceiling and then having the test shoot photos at the back (the highest place) then the final ones away from the wall (the lowest point) this will show progression from the beginning and what journey has been.

Where am I Now?

Luella and I have currently finished all planning and we are hoping to take our final photos this weekend - on the 26th of November. We have had permission from Amy and Mae to use them as models for our project, print out everything and post to our blogs.

Mannequin Challenge Home Learning:

Created By
Isaac Davis


Created with images by BW Photography by CS - "Gothic" • DariuszSankowski - "old retro antique" • allenran 917 - "Vintage Camera"

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