Sahara Desert Thomas orton

The Camel: They have 3 sets of eyelids to make sure sand doesn't get into there eyes. They also have hump(s) on there back that can weigh up to 1500 lbs. Its used to store water and fat.

The Spotted Hyena: Since there is not as much food in the desert, when it does find something it has to catch it on the run. It has powerful jaws that allow it to take a huge bite while running to stop its prey.

Monitor Lizard: They are adapted to live in many different biomes including deserts and wetlands. They are good in the desert because of the extreme amount of poison that they can project. There is a limited amount of food in the desert so when they run into prey it might be one of there only shots. there large amounts of poison makes sure it dies before the prey can get away.

Climate of The Sahara:

  • The average participation ranges from 4-10 inches, but is usually around 6.5 inches
  • During the hottest months it can average around 101-104 degrees F
  • The hottest day ever reached 116 degrees Farenhiget

During the Colder months it can be usually around 23-34

  • Though usually the average temperature is around 93-97 degrees F


  • Summer- May-October
  • Winter: November- April
For The Sahara desert its latitude has a very high margin ranging from 21-37. It compared to other Biomass is definitely not as diverse as others containing less than 200 Kilo calories a square meter per year. It has little to no life due to the lack of rain fall. Yet is the largest biome on earth. The latitude of deserts in general are much closer to the equator.

Soil quality: The Sahara desert has some of the worst growing conditions in the world. Its almost to hot to grow anything, there is sand everywhere for little to no soil nutrients. But even with that there are still some crops people grow. Beans and corn are 2 crops that are not very optimal, but will in fact grow in the desert.

The Saharan Cheetah: This species is currently endangered for a number of reasons. H- Many rivers are being drained for there valuable water supply. "I" - N/A. "P" - What water it does have is now very polluted. "P"-N/A "C"-N/A. "O"- Due to much hunting of not only the species itself but many of the preys it actually eats it its causing this animal to die off at and alarming rate.

The Mustard "Saharan" Plant: In 1927 a scientist accidentally planted it thinking it was another species, years later he came back and realized his mistake. this plant had grown to far to undo his mistake.

Saguaro: This is a type of cactus that is the most common. They take a long time to grow and store a lot of water which is a good survival adaption for living in the desert. On record some of the tallest of these can grow up to 70 feet.

Anastasia: This plant is a type of tumble weed that is located mainly in Egypt which is in the Saharan desert. They adapt well to this environment because of the fact they break away from there roots and go find resources else were. they are pushed by using the wind.

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