
Memphis Covenant Group Scroll Down to Learn More

Many women find themselves pioneering new ground without a mentor.

What if women gathered together as mutual travelers on this new road?

What if we shared in being shaped into the image of Christ?

What if we pooled our vast resources of knowledge to serve as a mentor?

What if we discovered spiritual friendship that feeds the soul?

Eleven:28 Covenant Groups offer spiritual vitality to women through monthly meetings of spiritual practices, group discernment, and deep relationships.

Laren McCormack, Memphis Covenant Group Leader

Laren has always known God to be a big part of her life from the time she was very little and she discovered what a true Daddy is like. She did not answer her call to ministry however until after graduating college. She has served in several formal and informal ministry jobs but finds the most meaningful times with her Daddy are when she is sitting alone or in a small group and just listening to his voice, or when she is walking in the rain and being reminded of the newness being created and nourished around her.

Contact rhesa@eleven28ministries for more information on groups starting in this area.


Created with images by WikiImages - "martin luther king press conference black 1964" • Rosie Fraser - "Rosie Fraser"

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