Track Days JB & Britt

Apple Watch

Brand Objective: identify/create a unique point of difference and Raise awareness.

Adrenaline Junkies

White males ages 34-54 who fell in love with racing the first time they opened a package of Hotwheels. They are family men, who share a love for gadgets and the need for speed. Adrenaline is their mistress. Most of their spare time is centered around racing. However, they love beer and watching the game with friends and family. They have enough disposable income to commit to racing 3-10 times a year.


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FB sponsored ads to lead people to download the Nascar Mobile App.

Apple Watch at Track Days

Choose from three views:

  • Race
  • Driver
  • Pit

Pit Mode: Insight footage on selected/highlighted Driver's pit stops


Student Work at The Creative Circus Presentation

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