Art Portfolio Trinity heneveld

Previously I have taken art all throught elementary, middle school, and beginning design last year. I have hopes to better my art skills to possibly pursue it throughout college. I have enjoyed beginning drawing very much as it has greatly improved my art skills and has let me explore what my style is.

This was the first time I had learned the specific elements of art. Keeping these in mind while moving forward to other drawings was extremely helpful. It helped me keep balance throughout all my art.
The negative space in this drawing draws attention to the fur and fluff especially. I really enjoyed drawing the one half but struggled with erasing the other half completely. I thought that drawing the fur was great practice for my hair later on.
I've always considered my art to be pretty good, learning how to set the field and the importance of value brought my abilities up another level. I also learned to take my time which has greatly improved my overall style.
I am really proud of this one. For me I don't think it looks like I normally do but it definitely looks like the picture I took. The black in my shirt adds great contour.
This is also one of my favorites. I really feel like the value in this piece is strong. This one definitely took the longest. It taught me to be patient because otherwise you screw up.
Drawing glass was extremely difficult. Getting the texture on the antlers was a real struggle. Cross hatching helped get the charcoal really dark.
This was the best piece I had for texture. Making the fur looking real was no easy task. Using light and heavy pressure helped me create the allusion of fur without having to go through and scratch it all.
This was the first two point perspective drawing I've done since elementary school. Having the vanishing points off of the paper was an interesting way to have the angles less intense. Having the horizon line cross with some of the tops of the cubes got really confusing.
The change from the first self profit to the final was really cool. I learned how to properly place all of my features. My eyes especially were placed better mad I think out of the whole pice my eyebrows looked the most realistic.
This was my absolute favorite piece. I love the colors in this and how the bend nicely. The highlight make it look more real. I like how it's a close up and gives it a nice perspective. The shapes of the peppers are very bold.

Overall I learned that taking your time makes the biggest difference. My biggest challenge was making my self portraits look like me. I can at least accurately draw my eyebrows. I really enjoyed working with oil pastels. I fell in love with how they are so smooth. This year has been a great year for growth.


Created with images by Asja. - "upside down"

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