My Day at The Constans By Ashton Boerner

We arrived at the beautiful constants theater right after noon and took a look around at the theater. Everyone seemed so lively and excited for the performance to start, there was a general sense of anticipation in the lobby. Posed here is me, next to an intriguing poster, reflecting the art of theater. Eventually we made our way into the viewing room and prepared for the performance. As the lights dimmed the audiences excitement was released. The play started in a dimly lit rustic looking room. This established a feeling of anticipation that greatly enhanced the remainder of the play. It is also worth noting that due to the reduced size of the audience, the play was much easier to observe without misc distractions. (I obtained consent from the theater to post this picture.)
Pictured next to me here is my good friend and roommate Matt Casey. We were both excited to attend the performance. Watching this play with a friend was a lot of fun as we were both able to discuss the plays meaning afterwards and could laugh and enjoy the play together during the actual performance. Sometimes, experiencing life's joys with a close friend contributes to the good life, as it offers another perspective on what you are experiencing. (I obtained consent from the theater and Matt to post this picture.)
The play itself was magnificent. The message of forgiveness and pursuit of what is right was strong and left a lasting impression on me. The play was very well preformed and the actors were excellent. I related best to Michaud as I am goofy myself yet I pursue my passions with the same reverence and persistence as Michaud. Before the performance, I actually had no idea what the theme would be about, despite of course having to to with the pursuit of the good life. Following the play I felt very moved and my roommate Matt and I have since strove to take a closer analysis of peoples feelings, as the play modeled, we don't always know what some people are going through until its too late. Following the play I have also felt motivated to pursue what I want to achieve with greater intensity. (I obtained permission from the theater to post this picture)
This performance had many laughable and goofy moments but there was a serious underlying message. This message was one of struggle and guilt. Many of the characters had deep secrets that they would not readily tell people. We learn by the end of the play however, that it is critical to speak up and do whats right or else people can suffer even more and worse. Most importantly, this play exploited many hardships everyday people go through. The audience learns through the play to confide in others, and let those close to you help you come clean in a sense in order to reach your goals. I would recommend this performance for every student, its powerful message should be shared. (I obtained consent from the theater to post this picture.)


Constans Theatre Matthew Casey

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