Riboflavin (b2) Isaac Wood

Riboflavin is a vitamin and is also known as B2. B2 turns the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into usable energy sources for the body's cells. The definition of a vitamin is any assortment of chemicals that the body needs to function.

Your body needs to intake about 1 milligram of riboflavin a day. Adult males have to consume 1.3 milligrams of riboflavin and females 1.1.

Milk and yogurt is the most popular sources for riboflavin. A regular bowl of cereal with milk will get you what you need for the day.

If you consume to much of riboflavin your urine will be as "yellow as a school bus". and if you do not consume enough riboflavin then you will dry out and your throat will be sore and the inside of your mouth would swell.

Riboflavin is water soluble, meaning that it dissolves in water, which is important because the bodies cells have a need for it all around your body in small amounts.


Created with images by pixel2013 - "milk can glass milk" • NeuPaddy - "raspberries yogurt nature" • wsilver - "That's life" • bsabarnowl - "31944 2011 Blue Bird 77 Maximum Passenger School Bus" • zdenet - "calf cow feast"

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