Career and Life Planning fall course Nicholas Dahl

Over the past few months, we have been in this class learning about maintaining a healthy balance of income:expenses, what kinds of schooling is needed to get certain jobs, why we need insurance, how to format a resume. all the things listed, and more, were either provided by guest speakers, Everfi, and lessons in google classroom. this is what I got from it all.

My Future Plans.

In the future, I see myself as either an architect, a video game designer, or an IT project manager.

left to right: Architect, video game designer, IT guy.


My definition of success is very simple, it is the advancement and goals of a progressive and open-minded collective of people working together on a single goal to make as many people happy as possible, while also maintaining expenses and income.

"Personal Reference"

People describe me as a- well I don't know what they describe me as. I guess cheerful when possible,hard worker when given specific instructions, and not very "Beautiful", but I don't think these matter. all that matters to me is that I am smarter than them.

First Career Pick

My first career choice, out of a college, was architecture. The reason was not because it pays well, but because I've loved the idea of the world having new and safe buildings designed by me, and I read about a architect/genius named "Frank Lloyd Wright" who built AROUND nature. he even built a house around a tree because he didn't want to destroy it. he also built a house called "Falling water"... on a waterfall in a way that doesn't disturb the nature. My second and third options are if I lose interest in architecture, second being IT manager, third being Video game designer. both of the tech jobs (2 & 3), are easy to acquire at the same school as they both involve computers.


The education required for the architecture job is at least a full 4-year college education. The college I wish to attend for the job is Harvard. the reason being, either good grades or the fact that the school is exclusive and important to some of the smartest rich people. the tech jobs involve a full 2-year college education, as they aren't as important or dangerous as architecture.

Everfi Modules.

The everfi modules (while slow, boring, and awful) helped me, and most likely all of you, learn about how to maintain a good credit, get a good money safety deposit, find a trustworthy insurance company, and other finance related schooling. the program helped me improve my understanding of personal finance by showing me not to do certain things that seem like a good idea at first, but end up being completely destructive in the future.


Created with images by MsSaraKelly - "Macy's from Above" • africaniscool - "man person working" • yoppy - "controllers" • drumminhands - "IT Crowd iPhone Wallpaper" • geralt - "success road sign traffic sign" • svintus2010 - "man"

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