Exploring the Great Indoors AT The flmnh An adventure in every corner

Life in the Mudflats Exhibit

Nature on Display

As a recreation of a mudflat ecosystem, this exhibit transports you to a completely different environment in less than a second. Perhaps considered one of the lesser popular exhibits, it is located right after the bats' exhibit, which greatly contrasts the small, enclosed and dark atmosphere of a cave. Having lived my entire life near the cost, mudflats were always a common sight; however, before I visited the museum I was unaware that such areas had a specific name along with a strict set of characteristics. The inclusion of realistic looking species also created a more believable yet, controlled atmosphere that allows the viewer to imagine that they are in a real mudflat while at the same time reading about it. By creating displays that resemble ecosystems found in our own region, it is possible to not only educate the population on their distinct aspects, but also on how to take care of them.

Native Americans in Florida various exhibits

Nature and Ethics

One of the best examples of Leopold's "biotic communities" can be perceived through the lifestyle that the original inhabitants of Florida carried out. In these exhibition, not only were their societal and cultural practices explained, but also their relationship with the environment that surrounded them. As hunters, gatherers and farmers, they heavily relied on the health of their ecosystem; therefore, many Native American tribes shared common beliefs about the respect that nature had to be given. Each element in nature, such as water, soil, fish, etc. was treasured. They believed in the power that mother nature had over them and they sought to make good use of everything that they were provided by her. Entering these exhibitions always transports you to a time were there was no such thing as an excessive waste of resources, smog in the air, and even oils spills polluting vast amounts of rivers and oceans. With this knowledge, even thought there is no revert from the industrial and technological revolution that has taken over our world, we may still be able to live in harmony with nature by showing the same respect and adequate uses of the resources found in nature and that the Native Americans so greatly valued.

Collection of Fossils (Priya Behera granted me the permission to use this picture of her)

Nature and the Human Spirit

Standing in front of such colossal, extinct creatures most certainly makes oneself wonder how far evolution has come to the point of our creation. While all three fossils resemble animals that currently exist, such as the elephant, the great white shark, and the sloth, their proportions and biological adaptations have varied immensely. The genetic mutations that had to come in place to create today's modern species are so detailed that a single different gene would have resulted in an entirely different specie. Learning about the different extinct animals that once roamed this Earth helps oneself appreciate more the miracle of what we call life nowadays. A different rock formation, an impact from the wrong asteroid, a different gravitational field and so on would have made life on Earth impossible; however, due to the great scheme of the universe, a solitary cell was not only responsible for creating us, but also for creating the millions of other species, extinct or alive, that have ever stepped foot on this planet.

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