Watermark Women's Conference Image from the "All Women" Project


"Watermark is a community of executive women in the San Francisco Bay Area, whose mission is to increase the representation of women at executive levels to drive innovation, human development and economic growth."

  • 6500~ Women + 50~ Men
  • San Jose Convention Center
  • Invited by Kate Morris @Adobe Lead, People & Inclusion | Customer & Employee Experience
  • Lots of corporate sponsors: VM Ware, Google, Cisco, Silicon Valley Bank, etc.
  • 15~ days into the Trump administration


Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook & Lean In
"No matter how challenging it looks, history is on our side," she said. "Lean in harder. We will get there."
"We need you to lead, we need you to be running things"
Sandberg denounced President Trump's immigration ban, saying it defies "the heart and values that define the best of our nation." The immigration ban is particularly "unforgiving of women."
ANNIE E. CLARK is a co-founder of EROC, and “We Believe You,” a collection of 36 stories of campus sexual assault. @aelizabethclark

1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted while in college

Brilliant @aelizabethclark courageously taking on the status quo!
Kudos for acknowledging #intersectionality & #privilege
Viola Davis, Actress
You can hear a pin drop as @violadavis talks about her upbringing in abject poverty and being inspired by Cecily Tyson.
"Poverty isn't just a financial state. It gets in your psyche."
"The power in owning one's story is it connects us to people. It relinquishes fear."
"As long as you're living a life, you have a story. Your story can change the world."
Condoleezza Rice and Madeleine Albright, Former Secretary of States
#Patriotism is an important concept #nationalism is a dangerous concept and it's scary

Rice called Trump's order “ill-considered and badly delivered," according to Politico. "We do have reasons to control our borders. We do have reasons to vet people ... to make ourselves safer," she said, but argued that it is un-American to single out immigrants based on national origin.

"I'm going to be less polite," @madeleine
Hope: When two secretaries of state don't think the #muslimban or #immigrationban are a good idea and support immigration.
"Government needs disruption, not destruction" -Madeline Albright
"Sorry to see climate change has been regulated to the World is flat," ~@madeleine

Overall theme

Find out the full story behind the "ALL WOMEN'S" cover photo


Created with images by Tradlands - ""We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women's voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored." —Sheryl Sandberg"

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