
husky a large dog mostly found in cold places and often mistaken for a wolf.

German shepherds a good and reliable dog mostly used for police and military purposes.

golden retriever mostly a farm dog or house dog but is good for disabled people.

a lab or labradoodle is a fairly harry dog not much use.

chihuahua a small and cute dog witch comes from mexico and some european places.

PUGS NOT DRUGS anyway pugs are mostly firefighters pets for people with nothing better to do.

doberman a dog that can grow up to 6 feet tall and can kill a man in less than 10 seconds.

pitbull a dog mostly used for self defense or killing people.

all i half to say is this is the cutest dog on the planet.

hound dog a hunting dog used for tracking game.


Created with images by ETersigni - "My Dog"

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