

Zack Kundel - Head Swim Coach: zkundel@smith.edu

Week 5 - Workout

Week 5! Nice job so far! You have successfully completed a month of training! I hope you are starting to feel more confident, seeing some progress, and getting more in tune with your body. This week not much will change, as you are starting to create some rhythm with your workout. But, we will be adding some stretching and body work to supplement your workout program.

Strength Training

For week 5, continue the plan you created in week 4 and add some stretching! Make sure to keep filling out your workout log and tracking your progress.

Optional Stretches

Hamstrings (back of legs):

Upper back and arms (Using a wall):

Lower back extension and rotation (laying on floor):

Stretching Guidelines

Try to stretch for at least 10 minutes every day and always after warming up. Integrating stretching into your normal rout can help improve circulation, balance, and flexibility and decrease soreness and muscle tension.

  • Hold a slow sustained stretch for 10-30 seconds (don't bounce)
  • Only stretch to the point of very mild discomfort, never pain
  • Breathe normally
  • Get advice to avoid injury. Get advice from a doctor or other health professional if you have or have had an injury.

Aerobic Training

Continue the plan you created in week 4!

How are you doing with duration and intensity?

Wellness Tip of the Week

Now that you are starting to make progress and have a whole month of training under your belt, it's a good idea to start thinking about how you are going to keep exercise and wellness a habit in your life.

Have you ever heard of a Snapchat streak? A Snapchat streak is when you send direct snaps back and forth with a friend for several consecutive days. The longer you go without breaking the chain of communication, the longer your streak is. These can become addicting and seen as a challenge, which reinforces extending the streak!

You want to have the same mentality when it comes to exercise! Have it be a fun challenge you set up with yourself. Try to get a streak going! If you break the streak, that is okay! Restart and try to beat your record next time. Read the above article to get some tips on how to create positive habits and start working on your "exercise streak!"