The Connected Educator: SHERYL NUSSBAUM-BEACH AND LANI RITTER HAL Review by Hope Andreychak

“A revolution in technology has transformed the way we can find each other, interact, and collaborate to create knowledge as connected learners. Connected learners are learners who collaborate online; learners who use social media to connect with others around the globe; learners who engage in conversations in safe online spaces; learners who bring what they learn online back to the classrooms, schools, and districts” (Nussbaum-Beach and Hall, 2012, pg. 4)

“The most important thing any teacher has to learn, not to be learned in any school of education, can be expressed in seven words: Learning is not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of learners” (Nussbaum-Beach and Hall, 2012, pg. 46).

“Growing up in a house without many books or educational opportunities, I had always seen learning as something contrived, something that happened at school. My older sister, Debbie, was the first personal to ignite my passion for learning. As I watched her draw at the table, I longed to draw people with the lifelike characteristics hers had. I made her show me how to make my people look like hers, and I practiced until I had it down” (Nussbaum-Beach and Hall, 2012, pg. 45).

“Technology has thinned classroom and school walls, blurred the boundaries of time and space, and has provided opportunities for authentic teaching learning in networks and communities. Through technology, we gain a deeper understanding of the world and help prepare students for an unknown future” (Nussbaum-Beach and Hall, 2012, pg. 68).

Abstract: The overall message is that educators can transform student learning through professional and personal development. Learning is no longer seen as an individual process but that learning occurs with constant communication and collaboration with others.

Reflection: The Connected Educator was an enjoyable read that changing my perspective as a future educator. I like how the book encourages teachers to connect and expand their professional learning networks. It describes the steps educators need to go through to create these networks and connections within the global community. This book makes it simple for a future teacher such as myself, to create these networks easily. As Sheryl says, "None of us is as good as all of us." This opened my mind to the true power of being a connected educator and a learner. Just the impact a connected learner could have in this digital age is monumental.

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