Catherine's Guided Reading! LA13 Blue Group🦄

Building Big Dreams

Context Questions-

I think this is a non-fiction text because all of the pictures are real and all of the sentences are real and all true

Q1.What is the MAIN purpose of the text?-Building Big Dreams as in Building Big possibilities

Q2.What are some clues that make me think this are?-Because all of the writing and pictures are true and real

The History Of Anime

Q1.I think this is a Non-fiction text

Q2.To Persuade the reader you must add interesting facts and fun words into your story

Q3.I think this text is a article of a speech

Q4.3 clues are that the text is real and true and all of the art is true famous art

Language Questions

Q1.An important fact is an interesting thing that some people never knew

Q2.Names,Key points,Dates

Q3.Drawing,Art,Sketches,writing,social studies

Q4.No there where no emotive words in this text,no nothing hurts me and yes this interesting text does help me on what textures to use in art

Q5.On how the author uses his words very specifically and very carefully and how he gives us instructions and he/she has interested me into reading more and more and more for my statement I say yes the author has caught me and won't let me go until I read more which I will read more and more to get more arty and more smarter

Strategies questions!!

Q1.Where are those names coming from?🦊

Q2.Why did anime come all different animations🚶🏻

Q3.Why we're all the characters in anime male👦🏼

Q4.I used my brain and my knowledge to know what anime was a short word for animation and I thought it was all drawings and artsy things😎

Q5.If you don't know what some of the words mean you can look at the glossary if it isn't in the glossary look it up and if it doesn't come up on the website ask three before the teacher😀

I predict that in the next book there will be more animations that they will talk about and why the anime only go he or ha and why anime characters talk more then usual and hopefully there will be more animations😁

Sailor Moon🌙


Dragon ball Z

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